Kosmos总裁Andrew Inglis表示:公司可能在2018年对计划中的非洲西北部浮式液化天然气项目进行最终投资决定。9月7日,在纽约召开的巴克莱银行能源动力投资者会议上,Andrew Inglis表示Kosmos计划建设浮式液化天然气项目,以毛里塔尼亚沿岸的Tortue气田为基础。公司认为该项目未开发区域的生产潜力可能大于已开发区域。迄今,Tortue气田天然气储量为25万亿立方米,该项目将开发Tortue气田西侧(Kosmos在此地首个成功的天然气发现,共5个)的8万亿立方米。六月,毛里塔尼亚及塞内加尔政府同意将两国海洋中线沿岸8公里外用作该项目用地。Andrew Inglis表示:两国有望于2016年末达成政府间协议。
来自/Natural Gas World 9月8日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Kosmos’ CEO has said that a final investment decision (FID) on its planned floating LNG project off northwest Africa will probably be taken in 2018.Andrew Inglis told the Barclays Energy Power investors conference September 7 in New York that plans to develop the FLNG project, based on the Tortue gas field offshore Mauritania. “We see as much, probably larger, potential in the unexplored prospectivity that we are uncovering today, as we have in the discovered resource,” Inglis told investors. To date, the Tortue gas resource is put at 25 trillion ft³ gross, of which the initial FLNG project would tap into the 8 trillion ft³ found at ‘Tortue West’ — the first of five successful gas discoveries made by Kosmos in the area.A site 8 km from shore on the Mauritania-Senegal offshore median line was agreed in June by the two governments for the FLNG project. Inglis said both are on target to reach an intergovernmental agreement for the project by end-2016.
- 孔艳坤
- 就读于南开大学翻译专业,双修天津大学工商管理专业。具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于准确及时的为您提供全球油气资讯,助您把握油气行业动态。