丹麦液化天然气制造商Kosan Crisplant同韩国LNG Solution签订为期四年的详细协议,涉及小型LNG燃料设备的发展,制造及购买以满足韩国运输船载燃油的主要。9月27日,Kosan Crisplant表示:协议于2016年9月26日至29日在庆南举行的韩国国际海事技术展览会期间签署。双方2016年6月在哥本哈根签署备忘录以共同开发并收益于双方的液化天然气市场。Kosan Crisplant液化天然气主管Lars Sall表示:“我们将从该合作及韩国市场中获得大量收益,并同时通过扩大公司业务规模推动行业发展。”
来自/Natural Gas World 9月29日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Danish LNG equipment manufacturer Kosan Crisplant (KC) and Korea LNG Solution have signed a detailed co-operation agreement on the development, manufacturing and sale of LNG bunkering equipment for the development of small-scale LNG as bunker fuel for ships in the South Korea over a four-year period.The agreement was signed during the Marine Tech Korea 2016 conference being held in Gyeongnam, Korea from September 26 to 29, Kosan said September 27. The collaboration between the two parties was initiated in Copenhagen in June 2016 when they first signed an MoU with the intention of mutually exploring and benefitting from each other’s strengths within the LNG market.”We have a lot to gain from this collaboration and the Korean market while at the same time contributing to the industry as a whole making KC LNG solutions available on a much larger scale.” said Kosan Crisplant’s LNG manager, Lars Sall.
- 孔艳坤
- 就读于南开大学翻译专业,双修天津大学工商管理专业。具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于准确及时的为您提供全球油气资讯,助您把握油气行业动态。