Suncor Energy UK将从OMV公司购买英国北海Rosebank项目30%的股权。根据双方签订的协议, Suncor将向OMV支付初期款项5000万美元。Suncor本周三表示:本次交易的达成还有待相关管理机构批准。完成交易的时间预计在2016年第四季度。
Suncor还表示:若各开发商通过该项目最终投资决定,且Suncor决定参与投资活动,公司将向OMV额外支付至多1.65亿美元,具体数额依据协议条款而定。此次股权交易成功后,Rosebank项目的合资开发商将包括:Chevron North Sea(作为运营商持股40%)、Suncor(30%)、OMV(U.K.) Limited(20%)和DONG E&P(10%)。
Rosebank项目位于Shetland Islands西北方向80英里(130公里)、水下3600英尺(1110米)处。该油气田发现于2004年12月,据称是英国北海规模最大、质量最优的未开发能源资源。
来自/Offshore Energy Today 8月10日消息 编译/赵美园石油圈原创
Suncor Energy UK will acquire a 30 percent participating interest in the U.K. North Sea Rosebank project from OMV. Under the terms of the agreement, Suncor will make an initial payment of $50 million. The transaction is subject to conditions, including regulatory approval, and is anticipated to close in the fourth quarter of 2016, Suncor said on Wednesday.
In August 2013, Austrian oil and gas company OMV bought 30% interest from the Norwegian oil giant Statoil increasing its Rosebank stake to 50%. After selling its 30% interest to Suncor, OMV will have 20% interest in the project. The project is currently in the Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) phase and has a design capacity of 100,000 barrels of crude oil and 80 million cubic feet of natural gas per day.
In the event the co-venturers approve the Rosebank project final investment decision and Suncor elects to participate, Suncor could pay additional consideration to OMV of up to $165 million, subject to adjustments according to the terms of the agreement, the company further added. Subsequent to the successful close of this transaction, joint venture parties would be operator Chevron North Sea (40 per cent), Suncor (30 per cent), OMV (U.K.) Limited (20 per cent) and DONG E&P (10 per cent).
The Rosebank project, located approximately 80 miles (130 kilometers) northwest of the Shetland Islands in water depths of approximately 3,600 feet (1,110 meters), was discovered in December 2004 and is considered one of the best and largest remaining undeveloped resources in the U.K. North Sea.
- 赵美园
- 毕业于南开大学翻译专业,具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于迅速、准确地传递国际油气行业新闻简讯。会时刻关注油气行业最新动态,呈现最迅捷、优质的国际油气资讯,让中国企业时刻把握国际油气动向,抓住商机,创造世界油气行业精彩未来。