

招标内容:Field Mounted Pneumatic Indicating Flow Controller complete with instrument supply system, DP Scale Range 0-250 inch W.C, Qty=02 Nos. (As per Specification) (Under Single Stage Single Envelope Bidding Procedure) FOR(Only for Local Manufacturers) / FOB & C&F Basis.

Purchase of Documents
Tender document contains detail terms & Conditions method of procurement, procedure for submission of bids, bid submission, bid validity, opening of bid, evaluation criteria clarification / rejection of bid, performance bank guarantee etc.

Tender documents can be obtained from Tender Room, Ground Floor, CRD Building, Head Office Complex, Sir Shah Suleman Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi-75300 on payment of Rs. 500/- each through Pay Order / Demand Draft or SSGC’s Cash Receipt from Monday to Friday between 0900 to 1600 hours.

Request letter for issuances of tender documents should be supported with:
Copy of valid GST, NTN & SST registration certificate (where applicable).
Undertaking on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs 100/- Certifying that supplier(s) is/are not temporarily or permanently debarred from any Government agency/authority/department (without bearing any responsibility on SSGC whatsoever in this regard).

Copies of all relevant Certificates/Authorization letter must be attached (where required) mentioned with Tender Enquiry.
Bids will be opened publicly 30 minutes after bid submission time. In case the bid opening date falls on holiday, bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time, in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who may intend to attend.

Bidders are essentially to provide correct and latest postal, e-mail & web addresses, phone/cell/fax numbers at the time of purchase of tender documents for effective and timely communication.
SSGC reserves the right to reject all bids or proposals and cancel the bidding process before acceptance of bid or Proposal.
Quoted price shall be inclusive of all taxes, except GST, which shall be mentioned separately.

联系方式:For further details, please visit SSGC website www.ssgc.com.pk. The above information is also available on PPRA website www.ppra.org.pk and contact: Manager-Tendering Ph: 92-21 99021223 or A/General Manager Ph: 92-21 99021231 E-mail: mmte@ssgc.com.pk



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