Parsley Energy近期成立专门的企业发展部门,任命Mike Hinson为部门副总裁,从7月1日起生效。早前Hinson担任该公司土地资源部副总裁。今后在新岗位上,Hinson将负责Parsley的各种收购及撤资活动。
该公司董事会主席、总裁兼首席执行官Bryan Sheffield表示:Parsley的企业发展活动事关股东利益,成立专门的部门来管理企业发展活动有利于寻求和进行战略性交易,并能促进公司的长远发展。
来自/World Oil 6月24日消息 编译/赵美园 石油圈原创
Parsley Energy has formed a dedicated corporate development department and appointed Mike Hinson as V.P. of corporate development, effective July 1. Hinson previously served as the company’s V.P. of land. In this new position, Hinson will lead Parsley’s acquisition and divestiture activities.
“Parsley’s corporate development activities have added significant value for our shareholders, and forming a dedicated group to oversee these activities demonstrates our commitment to sourcing and executing strategic transactions that we believe will benefit the company in the long run,” Bryan Sheffield, the company’s chairman, president, and CEO, said.
- 赵美园
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