Expro公司开发出SafeWells数据管理软件,可清晰地描述作业者的油井完整性状态。它是唯一可用的即插即用式解决方案,符合所有法规要求,包括ISO 16530-2条款。
- 可定制的完整性状态与问题视图,便于采取积极的补救措施;
- 设计出符合法规和公司政策的修井计划;
- 有效监测与跟踪井况,这是提高安全性、最大限度地提高油井有效性的基础。
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The SafeWells™ software enables operators to improve safety and maximise well availability by providing visibility of integrity issues across their well stock
Custom built, ISO compliant total well integrity management software,Leveraging software systems to support well integrity
The SafeWells™ data management software has been developed by Expro to provide a clear overview of operators’ well integrity status. It is the only out-of-the-box solution that can be readily configured to suit any legislative requirement, including ISO 16530-2.
Well integrity management is essential to safeguard production, reduce the risks associated with field operations and ensure sound environmental stewardship. This can be achieved through collating, analysing and sharing valuable well integrity related information and ensuring compliance to company and industry requirements.
The SafeWells™ system gives an intuitive overview of wells and quickly highlights potential challenges by providing:
- A customisable view of well integrity status and problems, facilitating proactive remedial action
- A planned well intervention programme, compliant with both regulations and company policies
- Effective monitoring and tracking of well status – fundamental in improving safety and maximising well availability across well stock
SafeWells™ software
SafeWells™ software provides a digital cloud based solution that helped us to reduce our costs, improve our data communication, and enhance planning and efficiency of operations.
- Expro was approached by Sasol to deliver a cost-effective solution for managing the well integrity (WI) of 57 assets located in onshore Mozambique
- The customer was familiar with Expro’s WI capability and requested an initial audit of its current WI management plan, in order to identify and implement a new management system • The overall objective was to provide Sasol’s well services department with access to well data, including intervention activities and results, allowing it to proactively manage the integrity of its assets
Expro Excellence
- Expro undertook an audit and gap analysis of the current WI management plan, identifying the systems, process and information needed to ensure well integrity was managed to both Sasol’s standards and industry’s best practise
- Expro’s WI software system, SafeWells, was implemented providing an overview of well integrity status, alongside alerts and potential remedial action required
- This was customised to meet the company’s specific requirements, allowing it to prioritise and implement a cost-effective remedial solutions across assets
- A WI asset lifecycle service was also offered, providing access to a comprehensive range of remedial services including slickline and cased hole
- Expro delivered introductory in-house software training for the Sasol team
Value to client
- Expro’s approach provided a holistic solution to meet the customer’s well integrity needs, from initial audit through to solution and ongoing asset management
- The new WI management system provides critical well data, including well intervention activity and test results, allowing it to improve data communication, enhanced efficiency and reduced overall cost
- This ensures the company’s system is compliant both to company standards and legislative requirements
- Visiblity of integrity compliance (both regulatory and company policy) to internal stakeholders, as well as regualtory bodies, shareholders and investors
- Automated calculation of MAASP to either regulatory or company calculations
- Identification and justification of improved integrity test processes, reducing time spent by a crew onsite
- Forewarning of existing problems prior to commencing operations
- Enhanced data management and comprehensive reporting with flexible configuration
- Improved and demonstrable health, safety and environmental performance
- Engineering cost reductions in the preparation of mechanical intergity reports requried by HSE
- Audit efficiency through remote access by the auditors
- Reduced insurance premiums