Secunda已经完成了资本重组,本次重组过程中,挪威Siem Offshore获得Birch Hill原来持有的加拿大Secunda公司50%的股份。
声明表示,本次交易后,Siem Offshore将持有加拿大Secunda100%股份。本次股权交易将不会对Siem资金流产生较大影响。
除此之外,Siem Offshore周三报告显示,Remontowa造船厂已与5月12日成功交付Avalon Sea号货船。该货船专门为加拿大水域设计建造的。六月一日前,该货船与一家国际石油公司签订六年合同。
来自/RigZone 5月18日消息 编译/张弘引石油圈原创
As part of a recapitalization of Secunda, Norway’s Siem Offshore has acquired Birch Hill’s 50 percent ownership interest in Secunda Canada.
With this transaction, Siem Offshore becomes the 100 percent owner of Secunda Canada. The acquisition will not have a significant cash flow effect for Siem Offshore, according to a company statement.
In addition, Siem Offshore reported Wednesday that the AHTS vessel Avalon Sea was successfully delivered from Remontowa Shipyard to Secunda Canada LP May 12. The vessel is specially designed and equipped for Canadian waters and will go on a six year contract with an international oil company before June 1.
- 张弘引
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