

中国石化新闻网讯 据离岸工程3月14日消息称,据美国能源情报署统计,2018年美国天然气日产量增加100亿立方英尺,比2017年增长11%。 该公司在一份新闻稿中表示,这一开发报告是有记录以来产量最大的年度增长,连续第二年创下历史新高。 根据EIA的月度原油、租赁凝析油和天然气生产报告,2018年美国天然气日产量平均为1013亿立方英尺,创历史新高。 以市场产量和干气产量衡量,美国天然气产量也分别达到创纪录的896亿立方英尺/天和834亿立方英尺/天。 2018年,除6月外,美国天然气总开采量每月都在增加,最终在2018年12月达到创纪录的1078亿立方英尺/天。018年12月,市场天然气产量和干气产量也分别创下950亿立方英尺/天和886亿立方英尺/天的月度新高。 随着天然气产量的增加,通过管道和液化天然气的天然气出口量连续第四年增加,达到99亿立方英尺/日。 2018年天然气出口总量增长14%,液化天然气出口增长53%,达到每日30亿立方英尺。2018年12月,管道和液化天然气出口分别达到77亿立方英尺/天和40亿立方英尺/天的月度新高。继2017年美国近60年来首次成为天然气净出口国以来,2018年,美国天然气出口继续超过进口。 曹海斌 摘译自 离岸工程 原文如下: U.S. Natural Gas Production Sets New Record According to the U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA), US natural gas production registered an increase by 10.0 billion cubic feet per day in 2018, noting an 11% rise in comparison to 2017. The development reported was the largest annual increase in production on record, establishing a record high for a second year in a row, it said in a press release. U.S. natural gas production measured as gross withdrawals averaged 101.3 Bcf/d in 2018, the highest volume on record, according to EIA’s Monthly Crude Oil, Lease Condensate, and Natural Gas Production Report. U.S. natural gas production measured as marketed production and dry natural gas production also reached record highs at 89.6 Bcf/d and 83.4 Bcf/d, respectively. U.S. natural gas gross withdrawals increased every month during 2018 except in June, ultimately reaching a record monthly high of 107.8 Bcf/d in December 2018. Marketed natural gas production and dry natural gas production also hit monthly record highs of 95.0 Bcf/d and 88.6 Bcf/d, respectively, in December 2018. As natural gas production increased, the volume of natural gas exports—both through pipelines and as liquefied natural gas (LNG)—increased for the fourth consecutive year, reaching 9.9 Bcf/d. Total natural gas exports grew 14% in 2018, and LNG exports grew by 53% to 3.0 Bcf/d. Both pipeline and LNG exports reached record monthly highs in December 2018 of 7.7 Bcf/d and 4.0 Bcf/d, respectively. The United States continued to export more natural gas than it imported in 2018, after being a net exporter in 2017 for the first time in nearly 60 years.  
