

中国石化新闻网讯 据哈特能源3月15日消息,国际能源机构(IEA) 3月15日表示,从今年第二季度开始,石油市场将出现小幅的赤字,但欧佩克拥有强大的供应缓冲能力,以防在可能出现的供应中断情况下出现任何价格上涨。 IEA是负责协调工业化国家能源政策的国际能源机构,该机构预测今年全球石油需求增长量将维持在1.4%左右,即每天140万桶。 IEA表示,以美国为首的非欧佩克国家石油产量稳步增长,应能确保石油需求得到满足。 总部位于巴黎的IEA表示,市场可能在2019年第一季度出现小幅盈余,然后在第二季度转为每日约50万桶的赤字。 IEA补充道:“与此同时,欧佩克的减产增加了闲置产能的缓冲。这一点在当前显得尤为重要,因为经济情绪正变得越来越悲观,全球经济可能正进入一个脆弱时期。” 程张翔 编译自 哈特能源 原文如下: IEA Sees Oil Market Flipping Into Deficit In Second Quarter The oil market will flip into a modest deficit from the second quarter of this year, with OPEC possessing a hefty supply cushion to prevent any price rally in case of possible supply disruptions, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on March 15. The IEA, which coordinates the energy policies of industrialized nations, kept its forecast of growth in global oil demand this year unchanged at 1.4%, or 1.4 million barrels per day (MMbbl/d). Solid growth in non-OPEC oil output led by the United States should ensure demand is met, the IEA said. The Paris-based IEA said the market could show a modest surplus in the first quarter of 2019 before flipping into a deficit in the second quarter by about 0.5 MMbbl/d. “At the same time, (OPEC) production cuts have increased the spare capacity cushion. This is especially important now as economic sentiment is becoming more pessimistic and the global economy could be entering a vulnerable period,” the IEA added.  
