

中国石化新闻网讯 据今日油价网站3月14日消息 挪威石油和能源部长Kjell-Børge Freiberg周四表示,挪威政府计划扩大北极石油勘探区,将于2019年勘探许可区块拍卖中增加相应区块。 Freiberg表示,挪威计划今年在APA年度区块拍卖中上新增90个区块,包括巴伦支海48个区块、挪威海37个区块和北海5个区块。 路透社在一份声明中引用Freiberg的话说:“保持巴伦支海勘探活动的积极发展至关重要,我希望这将导致强劲的油田开发解决方案的产生,并增加北极的价值创造。” 对此持相反意见的政治家和环境保护主义者反对扩大APA许可证下的勘探面积,他们认为,许可证上的这些额外区块正被用于将勘探范围扩大到成熟区块以及勘探良好的区块以外。 在2018年APA授权中,挪威授予了83个区块的生产许可证,创下了此次授权的最高数量记录。 今年1月,Freiberg宣布了新的许可证以及授予所有权权益的33家不同公司,他说:“在第一轮许可证发放后的53年里,这一新记录证实了业界对挪威持续创造价值和开展活动的信心。” 王磊 摘译自 今日油价 原文如下: Norway Plans To Expand Arctic Oil Exploration Areas Norway’s government is proposing to expand the area that will be offered for oil and gas exploration in the 2019 licensing round of acreage in mature areas, Petroleum and Energy Minister Kjell-Børge Freiberg said on Thursday. Norway plans to include a total of 90 new blocks in the so-called APA annual licensing round this year, including 48 blocks in the Barents Sea, 37 blocks in the Norwegian Sea, and five blocks in the North Sea, Freiberg said. “It’s important to maintain the positive development in exploration activity in the Barents Sea. I hope this will lead to robust field development solutions and increased value creation in the north,” Reuters quoted Freiberg as saying in a statement. There has been opposition to the extension of the acreage under the APA licensing round from politicians of the opposition and from environmentalists, who have argued that those licensing rounds with additional blocks are being used to expand exploration to beyond the scope of those rounds—that is mature and well-explored areas. In the 2018 APA licensing round, Norway awarded 83 production licenses—a record number of awards for such rounds. “53 years after the first licensing round, this new record confirms the industry’s belief in continued value creation and activity in Norway,” Freiberg said in January this year, when he announced the new licenses and the 33 different companies that were awarded ownership interests.  
