

中国石化新闻网讯 据Neftegaz.RU托木斯克3月14日消息称,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司沃斯托克公司已开始建设一条天然气管道,该管道将直接把石油天然气从阿尔尚油田的增压泵站输送到位于托木斯克地区的乌尔曼油田的增压压缩机站。据据该公司介绍,这条18公里长的天然气管道的设计能力将达到每年2.5亿立方米。 这条天然气管道的建设是一个大型投资项目的一部分,旨在实现实现乌尔曼-阿尔尚油田群伴生气的95%的用途以及俄气沃斯托克公司位于普丁斯基南部许可地区的资产的有效利用。该项目的总投资约为69亿卢布。从这些资产中提取的天然气将直接用于天然气和凝析油综合处理装置。 这条18公里长的天然气管道将成为一个有前景的天然气和能源中心的一部分,拥有发电和天然气传输设施。在整个项目中还将建设BAC和乌尔曼气田真空压缩机站,这是乌尔曼和欣金斯科耶矿床之间97公里长的高压气体管道。 因此,整个天然气基础设施的设计能力将是每年5亿立方米的天然气。该项目计划于2019年底完工并投入使用。从2020年起,将开始使用天然气运输系统进行天然气的商业销售。 今天,在整体投资东部石油公司完成97公里高压燃气线段,由3台压缩机装置、1座变电站配套设施齐全的乌尔曼气田生产。 俄气沃斯托克公司总经理K. Karabajak表示,在乌尔曼和阿尔尚油田之间建设天然气管道是俄气沃斯托克公司投资天然气基础设施开发的大型项目的关键阶段。完成整个项目的工作将为APG提供高水平的合理利用,这不仅可以灵活地针对自身的需要,还可以灵活地用于商业实施。 曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU 原文如下: Gazpromneft-Vostok began building a gas pipeline at the Archinskoye field Tomsk, Neftegaz.RU. Gazpromneft-Vostok has begun construction of a gas pipeline that will allow direct petroleum gas (APG) to be directed from the booster pumping station (CSN) of the Archinskoye field to the booster compressor station (DKS) of the Urmansky field located in the Tomsk region. According to the company, the design capacity of the 18-kilometer gas pipeline will be 250 million m 3 of gas per year. The construction of this gas pipeline is a part of a large-scale investment project aimed at achieving the 95% beneficial use of the associated gas of the Urman-Archinsk group of fields and assets of the South Pudinsky license area Gazpromneft-Vostok. The total investment in the project will be about 6.9 billion rubles. Gas extracted from these assets will be directed to the integrated gas and condensate treatment unit. The 18 km gas pipeline will become part of a promising gas and energy hub with its generating and gas transmission facilities. Within the overall project also be constructed BAC and vacuum compressor station (VCS) Urman field, a 97-kilometer high-pressure gas pipe between Urman and Shinginskoye deposits. Thus, the design capacity of the entire gas infrastructure will be 500 million m3 of gas per year. It is planned to complete the works and commission the facilities at the end of 2019. From 2020, the use of gas transportation systems for the commercial sale of gas will begin. Today, in the overall the investment Neft-East completed linear part 97-kilometer high pressure gas, produced by assembling 3 compressor installations, a complete transformer substations and other auxiliary facilities Urman field. According to the general director of Gazpromneft-Vostok K. Karabajak, the construction of a gas pipeline between the Urman and Archinskoye fields is a key stage of a large-scale project for the development of the gas infrastructure of Gazpromneft-Vostok assets. Completion of work on the entire project will provide a high level of rational utilization of APG, which can be flexibly directed not only to its own needs, but also to commercial implementation.  
