

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年3月13日休斯敦报道,阿根廷能源部长古斯塔沃本周表示,由于国内炼油厂在瓦卡姆尔塔(Vaca Muerta)盆地产量激增之际达到了最大利用率,阿根廷将在今年下半年成为常规页岩轻质原油出口国。 古斯塔沃是在出席在休斯敦由IHS Markit举行的CERAWeek期间对采访他的全球普氏能源资讯记者发表上述讲话的。他说:“这在阿根廷从未发生过,因为我们历来是重质原油出口国。” 去年,阿根廷国家石油公司(YPF)在无法在当地分配产量以后把瓦卡姆尔塔盆地所产的轻质原油运往了国际市场。 在美国巴肯和二叠纪盆地轻质原油出口不断增长之际,古斯塔沃无法说明哪些市场可能对阿根廷的页岩轻质原油感兴趣。 他说:“瓦卡姆尔塔盆地的轻质原油品质很好,我们必须找出哪些炼油商可以从中受益,目前私营企业正在这样做。” 古斯塔沃表示,阿根廷要想成为具有全球竞争力的液化天然气(LNG)市场还需要一段时间。他补充称,来自页岩项目投产后的新天然气产量将首先抵消本国在冬季的LNG需求,然后再供应智利。 阿根廷去年开始向智利供应天然气,这是数十年来的首次,从而抵消部分LNG进口。然而,消息人士对普氏能源资讯表示,瓦卡姆尔塔盆地的天然气产量还不够高,无法全年稳定供应智利,尤其是在5月和9月。智利能源咨询公司Systep说,包括运输成本在内,阿根廷天然气在智利的售价为每百万英热6美元。 李峻 编译自 Platts 原文如下: Argentina to become regular shale exporter in late 2019 Argentina will become an active shale light crude exporter in the second half of 2019 as domestic refineries reach maximum utilization rate amid booming output at the Vaca Muerta Basin, Argentina’s energy secretary said this week. “This is something that never happened in Argentina as we have historically been an exporter of heavy crude,” Gustavo Lopetegui told S&P Global Platts on Tuesday on the sidelines of CERAWeek by IHS Markit. Last year, YPF made an international shipment of Vaca Muerta’s light crude after being unable to allocate production locally. The secretary could not say which markets might be interested in Argentina’s shale oil in the midst of growing exports of US Bakken and Permian light crude. “Vaca Muerta’s light oil quality is excellent, and we have to find which refiners could benefit from it, something private companies are currently doing,” he said. It will take some time before Argentina becomes a global competitive LNG player, Lopetegui said. New gas production from shale projects coming online will first offset the country’s LNG demand in the winter and then supply Chile, he added. Argentina began supplying gas to Chile last year for the first time in decades, offsetting some LNG imports. However, Vaca Muerta’s gas production is not yet high enough to steadily supply Chile year-round, sources told Platts, especially in May and September. According to Chilean energy consultancy Systep, Argentinian gas has been sold in Chile at $6/MMBTu, including transportation costs.  
