

中国石化新闻网讯 据世界能源新闻网2019年3月12日休斯敦报道,在英国上市的Empyrean能源公司和Coro 能源公司说,印尼已经批准了他们提交的有关马科气田的开发计划。 Empyrean能源公司和Coro 能源公司在一份联合声明中表示,印尼能源和矿产资源部已经批准了位于印尼海上Duyung产量分成合同区块中的马科气田的开发计划(POD)。 马科气田位于Duyung产量分成合同内,该合同覆盖廖内省海上890平方公里的海域。 Empyrean能源公司首席执行官汤姆•凯利表示:“印尼能源和矿产资源部对POD的批准是马科气田投产进程中的又一个重要里程碑。现在,Duyung 产量分成合同的有效期已经确定到2037年,这降低了风险,并为项目增加了内在价值。” 凯利补充说:‘重要的是,POD的批准对于推动双方达成天然气销售协议至关重要,双方将在新加坡与买方签署天然气销售协议,以承接马科气田生产的天然气。这也为今年晚些时候的评估铺平了道路,评估可以增加马科气田的资源,并有望测试更深层的Tambak远景构造。” Duyung 产量分成合同位于廖内省印尼近海水域,全大长约890公里,靠近西纳图纳运输系统(WNTS),这是一条通往新加坡市场的天然气管道。 目前,WNTS每天向新加坡供应大约4亿立方英尺天然气。 李峻 编译自 世界能源新闻 原文如下: Indonesia Okays Empyrean Plan for Mako Gas Indonesia has approved the development plan for the Mako gas field, Empyrean Energy PLC and Coro Energy PLC said.
Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) has approved the plan of development (POD) for the Mako gas field at the Duyung production sharing contract (PSC), offshore Indonesia, said a joint statement.
Mako is located on the Duyung production sharing contract, which covers 890 square kilometres offshore the Riau Islands province.
Tom Kelly, CEO of Empyrean, said: “The POD approval by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in Indonesia is another important milestone in progressing the Mako Gas Field towards producon. Tenure has now been secured on the Duyung PSC out to 2037 which reduces risk and adds intrinsic value to the project.”
“Importantly, the POD approval is also crucial to advancing negoaons of the heads of agreement into a gas sales agreement with the buyer in Singapore for the off-take of Mako gas. It also paves the way for appraisal later in the year that can increase resources at Mako and hopefully test the deeper Tambak prospect,” he added.
The Duyung PSC covers approximately 890 km in the Riau Islands Province, situated in the offshore Indonesian waters of the South China Sea, and is proximal to the West Natuna Transportaon System (WNTS), a gas pipeline to markets in Singapore.
WNTS currently supplies approximately 0.4 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of natural gas per day to Singapore.  
