

中国石化新闻网讯 据今日油价网站3月7日消息 据沙特新闻通讯社(SPA)援引沙特阿拉伯能源部长哈立德·法利赫的话说,在红海(Red Sea)发现了大量天然气。 据路透社对沙特新闻通讯社的总结,法利赫还表示,沙特石油巨头阿美正在考虑在美国收购液化天然气项目的机会。 今年1月,沙特阿美首席执行官Amin Nasser在接受路透社采访时表示,作为阿美加强天然气业务并成为全球天然气企业战略的一部分,该石油公司希望在美国的天然气收购上投资数十亿美元。 上周Nasser在伦敦的一次工业活动上表示,沙特阿拉伯计划到2030年每天出口30亿立方英尺的天然气,这是其提高天然气业务国际足迹目标的一部分。 据阿美高级经理表示,阿美将单独开发沙特阿拉伯的传统和非常规天然气储量,选择通过管道和液化天然气两种方式进行出口。 去年11月,Nasser在迪拜举行的一次活动中表示,阿美已经是全球最大的石油生产商,但在天然气生产方面却没有那么强大,它将加大努力,从传统和非常规储量中增加天然气产量。 Nasser表示,阿美的天然气开发计划预计在未来十年将吸引多达1500亿美元的投资。阿美首席执行官几个月前在迪拜表示,天然气产量预计将从目前每天140亿立方英尺升至230亿立方英尺。 Nasser 说:“我们还拥有世界级的非常规天然气资源,这些资源正在迅速补充我们的大型常规资源。由于这种非常规天然气中很大一部分同时富含液化天然气和乙烷,因此其生产将对沙特化工行业的进一步发展起到重要作用。” 王磊 摘译自 今日油价 原文如下: Saudi Arabia Says Large Gas Reserves Found In Red Sea Large volumes of natural gas have been found in the Red Sea, according to the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) which quoted Saudi Arabia’s Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih as saying. Saudi oil giant Aramco is considering opportunities for acquisitions of liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects in the United States, al-Falih has also said, according to a Reuters summary of SPA’s news item. In January this year, Saudi Aramco’s chief executive Amin Nasser told Reuters in an interview that the oil firm was looking to spend billions of U.S. dollars on natural gas acquisitions in the United States as part of Aramco’s strategy to bolster its gas business and become a global natural gas player. Last week, Nasser said at an industry event in London that Saudi Arabia aims to export as much as 3 billion cubic feet of gas per day by 2030 as part of its goal to boost the international footprint of its natural gas business. Aramco will solely develop Saudi Arabia’s conventional and unconventional gas reserves, and the options for exports include exports via pipelines and LNG, according to Aramco’s top manager. In November last year, Nasser said at an event in Dubai that Saudi Aramco, already a top global oil producer but not as strong in gas production, will boost efforts to grow its natural gas output, from both conventional and unconventional reserves. Saudi Aramco’s gas development program is expected to attract as much as US$150 billion in investment over the next decade, Nasser said. Natural gas production is expected to jump to 23 billion standard cubic feet a day from the current 14 billion cubic feet a day, Aramco’s top executive said in Dubai a few months ago. “We also have world-class unconventional gas resources that are rapidly supplementing our large conventional resources. Because a significant proportion of this unconventional gas is rich in both liquids and ethane, its production will play an important role in the further growth of the Kingdom’s chemicals sector,” Nasser said.
