

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯2019年2月26日伦敦报道,英国戈拉尔液化天然气公司(Golar LNG)周二在伦敦表示,该公司已与英国石油公司(BP)签订了为期20年的租赁和运营协议,将租赁一个浮式液化天然气(FLNG)装置来运营位于毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔海上的大Tortue Ahmeyim项目。 FLNG Gimi的设计目标是在这个项目的第一阶段年产大约250万吨LNG,这个项目预计将在2022年投产。 戈拉尔LNG公司首席执行官伊恩·罗斯在一份声明中表示:“与英国石油公司签署的这项具有里程碑意义的长达20年的协议是戈拉尔LNG公司的第二份设施收费协议。” 协议的财务条款没有公布。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下; Golar LNG signs deal to build BP’s West African Tortue floating unit Golar LNG has entered into a 20-year lease and operate agreement with BP for the charter of a floating LNG unit to operate the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim project, located offshore Mauritania and Senegal, it said on Tuesday. The FLNG Gimi is designed to produce approximately 2.5 million mt/year of LNG in the first phase of the project, expected to start in 2022. “This landmark 20-year agreement with BP, which is Golar’s second FLNG tolling agreement, is the culmination of a lot of hard work and commitment from the project and commercial teams that commenced late 2017,” Golar CEO Iain Ross said in a statement.. Financial terms of the agreement were not released.  
