

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社迪拜报道,两位知情人士周四称,沙特阿美选择了一些银行来安排其首次国际债务出售,这将有助于其为收购沙特阿拉伯基础工业集团(SABIC)的股份提供资金。 消息人士称,这家国有石油巨头已经挑选了包括摩根大通、摩根士丹利、花旗银行、汇丰银行和沙特阿拉伯国家商业银行在内的一些银行。 其中一位消息人士称,摩根大通和摩根士丹利已被任命为全球联合协调人,并与其他银行一起被任命为联合账簿管理人。 摩根大通、摩根士丹利和汇丰银行拒绝置评,沙特阿美和其他银行没有立即回应置评请求。 沙特能源部长Khalid al-Falih上月表示,世界上最大的石油生产商沙特阿美计划在2019年第二季度发行首批国际债券,价值约100亿美元。 此前有消息来源告诉路透社,这家石油巨头可能会从国际投资者那里借款500亿美元,用于购买沙特最高主权财富基金——公共投资基金(Public Investment Fund)持有的SABIC 70%股份中的全部或几乎全部。 詹晓晶摘自路透社 原文如下: Aramco picks banks for debut international bond: sources Saudi Aramco has selected banks to arrange its first international debt sale, which will help it finance the acquisition of a stake in Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corp (SABIC), two sources familiar with the matter said on Thursday. The state oil giant has picked a group of banks including JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Citi, HSBC and Saudi Arabia’s National Commercial Bank, the sources said. JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley have been appointed joint global coordinators and, together with the other banks, joint bookrunners, said one of the sources. JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley and HSBC declined to comment. Aramco and the other banks did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Aramco, the world’s top oil producer, plans to issue its first international bonds in the second quarter of 2019, likely worth about $10 billion, Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih said last month. Sources previously told Reuters the oil giant could borrow as much as $50 billion from international investors to fund the purchase of all, or nearly all, of the 70 percent stake in SABIC held by the Public Investment Fund, the kingdom’s top sovereign wealth fund.​  
