

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站12月7日休斯顿报道,美国能源信息署(EIA)周五公布的《每周石油状况报告》(Weekly petroleum Status Report)显示,在截至11月30日的一周内,美国原油和石油产品出口数量超过了进口。 因此,美国自二战以来首次成为了石油净出口国。在二战结束时,美国的石油出口超过了进口。到1950年,美国已成为一个石油净进口国,这一地位迄今没有改变。 但进出口数量之间的差距很小,它只反映了一周的数据。 EIA估计,11月份美国包括原油、成品油和燃料乙醇在内的石油日出口量达到了9049万桶,仅比进口量高出21.1万桶。 统计数据显示,美国在那周里原油日进口量超过出口量401.6万桶,而石油产品日出口量超过进口量422.7万桶。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: US late-November oil exports top imports The US exported more crude oil and petroleum products than it imported during the week ending Nov. 30, according to the Energy Information Administration’s Weekly Petroleum Status Report. The country thus became a net oil exporter for the first time since World War II, at the end of which US oil exports exceeded imports. By 1950, the US had become a net oil importer, a status unchanged until now. But the margin is narrow and reflects only a single week’s data. EIA estimates exports of oil—including crude, products, and fuel ethanol—in November’s last week at 9.049 million b/d, only 211,000 b/d above imports. Crude-oil imports during the week exceeded exports by 4.016 million b/d, while product exports topped imports by 4.227 million b/d.  
