

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯10月19日消息,美国石油公司雪佛龙周五表示,一旦沙特阿拉伯和科威特解决了环境许可证纠纷,公司准备恢复沙特阿拉伯和科威特共同拥有的一座油田的石油生产。
雪佛龙表示,公司近期已经在该油田进行了试运营和勘探工作。该油田三年前被关闭,此前沙特和科威特陷入了许可证纠纷。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯
原文如下: DJ Chevron Ready to Resume Oil Output in Wafra if Saudis, Kuwaitis Agree Chevron Corp. stands ready to restart pumping oil in a field shared by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait once the countries settle a dispute over environmental licenses, the company said Friday. The resumption of operations at the oil fields — that pump 500,000-barrels-a-day and are shared by both nations — has become a key focus of oil markets as a source of spare capacity ahead of U.S. sanctions on Iranian oil set to begin in early November. Chevron operates one of the fields, the onshore Wafra, but observers have wondered how quickly the facilities might return to normal production levels. Chevron said it has carried out a recent test run and exploration works in the area, which is shared by the two Middle-East nations. It houses an onshore facility run by the U.S. oil major that was shut down three years ago after Saudi Arabia and Kuwait became embroiled in the licensing dispute.
