

中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻伦敦9月25日消息,油气行业气候倡议组织(OGCI)表示,全球石油巨头已承诺到2025年将甲烷排放量减少五分之一。 该行业协会表示,其成员已承诺将石油和天然气业务的平均甲烷强度降低至0.25%以下,2017年这一数字为0.32%。 此外,该行业协会的成员们还表示,他们分享了将甲烷强度降低到0.2%的“雄心”。 甲烷强度是指在生产石油和天然气时在大气中损失的甲烷,占所售天然气的百分比。 “到2025年实现0.25%的商定强度目标,将减少35万吨/年的甲烷排放,而2017年的基准甲烷强度为0.32%。” 根据美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的数据,甲烷是天然气的主要组成部分,是一种有毒化学物质,自2006年以来,甲烷的排放量急剧增加。 OGCI的成员包括BP、雪佛龙、中石油、埃尼、挪国油、埃克森美孚、西方石油公司、墨西哥石油公司、巴西国家石油公司、雷普索尔、沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司、壳牌和道达尔等石油巨头。 张春晓 摘译自 ICIS 原文如下: Crude oil majors commit to reduce methane emissions by a fifth Global crude oil majors have committed to reduce methane emissions by one fifth by 2025, the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) said on Monday. The industry association said its members had committed to reduce the collective average methane intensity at oil and gas operations to below 0.25%. It stood at 0.32% in 2017. Moreover, the signatories said they shared “the ambition” to achieve a cut in methane intensity to 0.20%. The methane intensity refers to the methane that gets lost in the atmosphere when producing oil and gas, as a percentage of the gas sold. “Achieving the agreed intensity target of 0.25% by the end of 2025 would reduce collective emissions by 350,000 tonnes/year of methane, compared to the baseline of 0.32% in 2017.” Methane, the main constituent of natural gas, is a toxic chemical of which emissions have sharply increased since 2006, according to the US’ NASA. OGCI’s members include crude oil majors like BP, Chevron, CNPC, Eni, Equinor, ExxonMobil, Occidental, Pemex, Petrobras, Repsol, Saudi Aramco, Shell and Total.
