

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月22日报道称,加拿大天然气资源丰富的阿尔伯塔省(Alberta)正寻求重建沿着美国墨西哥湾沿岸扩建的建筑热潮。在那里,廉价的天然气为石化企业带来了数十亿美元的投资。 10年前,钻井者采用水力压裂技术从页岩中开采石油和天然气,极大地扩大了美国的产量。美国化学理事会(American Chemistry Council)的数据显示,自2010年以来,美国化学理事会宣布的资本投资中已经有1940亿美元用于建造或扩建利用天然气生产塑料、化肥和燃料的化工厂。 徐蕾 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Canada’s ultra-cheap natural gas drives hopes of petrochemical boom http://www.reuters.com/ Canada’s gas-rich province of Alberta is looking to recreate the building boom spreading along the U.S. Gulf Coast, where inexpensive natural gas generated billions of dollars in investment by petrochemical companies. The adoption by drillers of fracking technology to unlock oil and gas from shale rock expanded U.S. production dramatically starting a decade ago. That abundance has generated $194 billion since 2010 in announced capital investment to build or expand U.S. chemical plants that use gas to make plastics, fertilizer and fuel, according to the American Chemistry Council.
