

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯8月20日新加坡报道,市场消息人士周五说,在汽油供应在需求强劲的时候出现短缺以后,苏伊士以东看涨的汽油市场时下正在从欧洲和亚洲吸引新的汽油货物。 上周,有多达6艘远程(LR)1型油轮被租用把欧洲生产的汽油运往波斯湾,另有一艘来自新加坡的LR1型油轮也计划把汽油运往波斯湾。 印度信诚工业公司周二对其贾姆讷格尔炼油厂的汽油货物宣布了不可抗力,导致苏伊士以东的汽油价格接近一年高点。 市场参与者表示,由于即将来临的开斋节,波斯湾地区和印度尼西亚对汽油需求变得强劲,而亚洲汽油主要进口商印度尼西亚国家石油公司已制订在9月份进口1100万至1200万桶汽油的计划,这是这家公司今年迄今的最高月度汽油进口量。普氏能源资讯的统计数据显示,印尼国家石油公司曾在去年12月份创下进口1200万桶汽油的峰值以后,其汽油月进口量再也没有超过1100万桶。 印尼国家石油公司预计将从包括沙特阿美在内的供应商那里获得最多的定期汽油供应,因为该国不仅要主办8月18日开幕的亚运会,还必须弥补国内炼油厂的短缺。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Mideast gasoline appetite draws in fresh shipments from Europe, Asia The bullish East of Suez gasoline market was drawing fresh gasoline barrels from Europe and Asia following supply woes at a time of robust demand, market sources said Friday. Last week, up to six Long Range 1 tankers were heard chartered to move European gasoline to the Persian Gulf, and an additional LR1 tanker from Singapore was slated to lift gasoline to PG as well. Reliance Tuesday announced a force majeure on gasoline cargoes from its Jamnagar refinery, pushing East of Suez gasoline prices to near one-year highs. Market participants said demand was strong in the PG region and Indonesia due to the upcoming Eid holiday, and key Asian importer Pertamina had plans to import 11 million-12 million barrels of gasoline in September — the highest of 2018. The monthly imports had not ranged above the 10 million barrel level after falling from a peak of 12 million barrels in December 2017, Platts data showed. Pertamina was expected to receive maximum term barrels from its suppliers, including Aramco, as not only was it hosting the Asian Games, which started August 18, but also had to cover shortfalls from domestic refineries.
