

中国石化新闻网讯 据新加坡普氏能源资讯8月20日消息,日本液化天然气交易员在上周晚些时候发表声明说,三菱同意在孟加拉国峰会公司的液化天然气进口项目收购25%的股权,其中包括一个浮动、储存和再气化单元,剩下75%的股权由峰会公司持有。 此次收购是日本在亚洲新兴市场打开新液化天然气需求中心的更广阔计划的一部分,并给孟加拉国液化天然气野心带来了信心。孟加拉国液化天然气野心的一直受到该国第一个由高速能源运营的液化天然气接收站投产的延误所困扰。 峰会液化天然气公司将在孟加拉吉大港考克斯巴扎区位于莫什赫里阿里海岸6公里处安装一个浮式储存再气化装置,在那里它将接收并再气化来自国有石油和该国石油天然气矿业公司能源实体的液化天然气。 码头建设开始于2017年底,商业运营预计将于2019年3月开始,计划的液化天然气进口量约为350万吨/年。 胡晶晶摘译自普氏能源资讯 原文如下 Japan’s Mitsubishi to acquire 25% interest in Bangladesh LNG terminal Mitsubishi has agreed to acquire a 25% interest in Bangladesh’s Summit LNG import project, which includes a floating, storage and regasification unit, with the remaining 75% held by Summit Corporation, the Japanese LNG trader said in a statement late last week. The acquisition is part of Japan’s wider plans to open new LNG demand centers in emerging Asian markets, and brings confidence to Bangladesh’s LNG ambitions, which have so far been beset by delays in the commissioning of the country’s first LNG terminal, operated by Excelerate Energy. Summit LNG is set to install an FSRU located 6 km off the coast of Moheshkali Island in the Cox Bazar district of Chittagong in Bangladesh, where it will receive and regasify LNG procured by state-owned oil and energy entity Petrobangla. Construction of the terminal commenced at the end of 2017 and commercial operations are expected to start in March 2019, with a planned LNG import volume of approximately 3.5 million mt/year.  
