该公司起初主要业务为煤矿开发,近日购买了一家美国页岩气油田Chaffee Corners联合勘探协议的股份29.4%的股份,现已支付1.12亿美元。
Banpu公司在泰国证券交易所发表的声明中提到,公司在 Chaffee Corners JEA 的净利润相当于已探明储量的1560亿立方英尺天然气,并将争取净输出量达到每天2100万立方英尺。
来自/Natural Gas Asia 4月20 编译/张弘引
Thailand’s Banpu announced some new strategic initiatives at its annual general meeting held on Tuesday, increasing focus on low emission power, renewable and unconventional energy.
The company, which is primarily in coal mine development, has bought 29.4 percent stake in a US shale gas field. It has paid $112 million to pick up the stake in Chaffee Corners Joint Exploration Agreement, a shale gas operation in the northeast section of the Marcellus formation in Pennsylvania.
Banpu’s net interest in the Chaffee Corners JEA is equivalent to proved reserves of 156 billion cubic feet of dry natural gas. It targets the net output of around 21 million cubic feet per day this year, the company said in a statement published on Thai stock exchange.
Although, the company will continue to focus on and develop its coal and power business, a growing emphasis will be placed on harnessing the potential of new energy technologies, lower environmental impact fuels and supply chain integration synergies.
- 张弘引
- 毕业于南开大学翻译系,具有丰富的翻译经验,能够快速、准确地将全球油气动向以中英文双语进行报道。提供专业化、全方位的国际资讯服务,呈现纷繁世界的精彩之处,满足中国企业了解世界、融入世界的需求。