

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社5月14日新加坡/纽约/新德里报道,四名知情人士周一透露,沙特石油生产商沙特阿美的贸易子公司已经向阿联酋提供了美国凝析油,一种超轻质原油。 知情人士表示,该笔交易标志着沙特阿美贸易公司(ATC)首单美国原油现货交易,由ATC(沙特阿美贸易公司)向阿联酋出售两船源于美国的沙特阿美Motiva公司的原油货物。 沙特阿美在长期协议下出售了绝大部分其原油,但在去年决定在短期现货市场出售非沙特原油。 对阿联酋的贸易而言,第一船在“Astra”油轮装船的100万桶的美国凝析油于5月12日被卸载在Ruwais,据消息人士和汤森路透的航运数据表示。 一位航运消息人士表示,Motiva还租用了一艘’South Sea’ 在五月将来自美国墨西哥湾的100万桶的凝析油运往Ruwais。 这两艘都是苏伊士型油轮(’Suezmax’ tankers),吨位为12万至20万吨。 金丹红 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Saudi Aramco trading arm sells first US oil to UAE Saudi oil producer Aramco’s trading arm has begun supplying U.S. condensate, an ultra-light crude oil, to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), four people with direct knowledge of the matter said on Monday. The sale marks Aramco Trading Company’s (ATC) first U.S. crude spot trade, the people said, with ATC tapping Aramco’s Motiva Enterprises unit in the United States as a supply source for two shipments to the UAE. Aramco sells almost all its crude under long-term contracts, but decided last year to trade in non-Saudi crude in the short-term spot market. For the UAE trades, a first shipment of 1 million barrels (bbl) of U.S. condensate aboard the tanker ‘Astra’ was unloaded at Ruwais on May 12, according to the sources and shipping data on Thomson Reuters . Motiva has also chartered the tanker ‘South Sea’ to ship about 1 million bbl of condensate from the U.S. Gulf to Ruwais in May for about $2 million, one shipping source said. Both vessels are ‘Suezmax’ tankers, with capacities from 120,000-200,000 deadweight tonnes.
