

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews.com网站5月 11日纽约报道,美国能源传输伙伴公司(ETP)日前在纽约宣布,ETP计划铺设一条新的原油输送管道。这条新管道将从位于德克萨斯州的二叠纪盆地一直延伸到德克萨斯州海岸。这条新输油管道最初具有日输送60万桶原油能力。 ETP在公司第一季度收入电话会议上说,为了服务德克萨斯州沿海地区港口不断增长的出口市场,这条新管道的日输油能力将很容易被扩大到100万桶。 来自二叠纪盆地——美国最大油田和美国大部分页岩油的来源地——不断增加的原油产量正在使该地区的基础设施日益吃紧。管道满负荷运行,把该地区原油对基准期货的价格下降到过去3年半来的最低水平。 ETP高管马歇尔·麦克雷说:“这个基础的几乎历史性的扩大将肯定会有助于我们未来几个季度的利润率。” 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下 : ETP Plans 600,000 Bpd Oil Pipeline From Permian To Texas Coast Energy Transfer Partners said on Thursday it plans to build a crude pipeline from the Permian basin in Texas to the Houston Ship Channel and Nederland, Texas, which will have an initial capacity of up to 600,000 barrels per day (bpd). The pipeline will be “easily expandable” to 1 million bpd, in order to serve growing export markets at coastal ports, the company said during a first quarter earnings conference call. It is likely to come online by 2020. Surging crude output from the Permian basin, the biggest oilfield in the United States and the source of most of the country’s shale crude, is straining the region’s infrastructure. Pipelines are running full, sending crude prices there to their weakest level against benchmark futures in three and a half years. “The almost historical widening of that basis will certainly help our margins in the coming quarters,” said Marshall McCrea, a senior ETP executive.
