

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯5月9日新加坡报道,消息人士周三表示,美国最近作出的退出伊朗核协议的决定将很有可能会降低亚洲乙烯生产的利润率,这是因为原料石脑油价格预计届时将上涨。 周三,标普全球普氏能源资讯计算的乙烯和石脑油之间的价差从周二每吨603.875美元减少到了每吨587.63美元。 美国总统特朗普周二表示,美国将退出伊朗核协议以及对伊朗全面实施“强有力的”经济制裁,但是,他既没有透露具体时间也没有透露美国计划如何重新实施制裁。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Asian ethylene margin may shrink further after US exit from Iran deal The recent decision by the US to exit the Iran nuclear deal would likely slash the ethylene production margin in Asia because of the expected rise in the price of feedstock naphtha, sources said Wednesday.
The price spread between ethylene and naphtha was calculated by S&P Global Platts at a nine-month low of $587.63/mt Wednesday, down from $603.875/mt Tuesday.
President Donald Trump said Tuesday the US would withdraw from the deal and put “powerful” economic sanctions “into full effect,” but he did not give any details on timing or how the US planned to re-impose sanctions.
