

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站5月2日休斯敦报道,布伦特原油在 4月30日伦敦市场上的价格略高于75美元/桶,而轻质低硫原油价格在纽约市场小幅上涨。 分析师称,原油价格上涨是因为人们预期美国将退出2015年的伊朗国际协议。 任何针对伊朗的新制裁都可能减少其石油出口量和潜在的不断增长的石油生产水平。 以色列总理内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)表示,他有证据表明伊斯兰共和国多年前就为计划建造核武器而撒谎。 内塔尼亚胡在4月30日的电视讲话中描述了伊朗所谓的核计划。 蔡小全 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: MARKET WATCH: Brent ends April above $75/bbl Brent crude oil settled slightly above $75/bbl on the London market Apr. 30 while light, sweet crude oil prices rose modestly on the New York market. Analysts said crude prices rose on expectations that the US will withdraw from a 2015 international agreement on Iran. Any new sanctions against Iran could reduce its oil export volumes and potentially its growing oil production levels. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he has evidence that the Islamic Republic lied years ago about plans to build a nuclear weapon. Netanyahu gave a televised presentation Apr. 30 in which he described Iran’s alleged nuclear program.  
