

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯4月20日伦敦报道,欧洲交易商表示,在布伦特和WTI原油期货之间价差扩大的驱动下,欧洲在5月和6月将看到美国大量原油登陆其海岸。 市场交易商估计美国在5月和6月中旬之间将平均每天向欧洲出口80万桶原油,其中5月份原油出口总量将达到2500万桶。 消息人士说,在5月份出口欧洲的2500万桶原油中,1500万桶原油已经运抵欧洲终端用户。 一名交易商说:“我们未来两个月将看到创纪录的原油数量从美国运抵欧洲。”他补充说,虽然各种等级原油正在横渡大西洋,然而,美国WTI米德兰原油将占到其中最大部分。 根据标普全球普氏能源资讯的统计数据,即月ICE布伦特期货在周四在伦敦国际石油交易所的交易中对相等的纽约商交所WTI原油期货合同价的溢价达到了每桶5.4美元。相比之下,WTI/布伦特在2016年和2017年的平均价差分别为1.10美元和3.62美元,而今年迄今为止的平均价差已达到每桶4.49美元。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Heavy volume of US crude oil exports to hit Europe in May-Jun, on wide Brent/WTI spread Europe will see a high volume of US crude oil exports land on its coasts in May and June, driven by a wide spread between Brent and WTI crude futures, European traders said.
Market sources estimated US exports to Europe would average 800,000 b/d between mid-May and mid-June, including 25 million barrels in May overall.
Of the 25 million barrels expected to land in May, 15 million barrels had already been placed with end-users, a source said.
“We are seeing record arrivals from the US to Europe,” a trader said, adding that while all sorts of grades were crossing the Atlantic, WTI Midland represented the largest portion.
Front-month ICE Brent futures were trading at a $5.40/b premium to the equivalent NYMEX WTI contract at the London close Thursday. By comparison, the WTI/Brent spread averaged $1.10/b in 2016 and $3.62/b in 2017 and has averaged $4.49/b year-to-date according to S&P Global Platts data.
