

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯4月10日休斯敦报道,埃克森美孚公司周二宣布,该公司将寻求从5月1日起把其北美聚丙烯价格每吨提高88美元(4美分/磅)。 埃克森美孚公司是第一家宣布提高5月份聚丙烯价格的北美主要聚丙烯生产商。 埃克森美孚公司在写给客户标普全球普氏能源资讯获得的信中没有详细说明此次提议涨价的理由,但市场参与者认为对聚丙烯需求强劲的预期是提价的主要原因。 据悉,4月份已有4家聚丙烯生产商先后宣布了提高他们聚丙烯价格的计划。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: ExxonMobil seeks 4 cents/lb hike in North American polypropylene price in May ExxonMobil will seek a 4 cents/lb ($88/mt) increase in its polypropylene prices, effective May 1, the company said Tuesday.
ExxonMobil is the first major North American producer to announce such an increase for May shipments.
In a letter to customers obtained by S&P Global Platts, the company did not specify a reason for the proposed price increase, but market participants have cited expectations of strong demand as the main reason for the increases.
In April, four producers have announced plans to increase their PP prices.  
