

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯4月10日新加坡报道,一名熟悉此次交易的消息人士周二对媒体记者说,韩国第4大炼油企业韩国现代炼油公司日前从挪威购买了其首批奥曼兰格(Ormen Lange)凝析油货物。这批凝析油货物将在6月份交付。 消息人士说,这家韩国炼油公司在CFR大山基础上向70万桶奥曼兰格凝析油支付的价格比对普氏布伦特原油现货价格每桶溢价2.75美元。 挪威奥曼兰格凝析油产自位于挪威海南部的Moere盆地。奥曼兰格凝析油从挪威陆上尼哈姆那终端装载。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: S Korea’s Hyundai Oilbank buys first Ormen Lange condensate cargo from Norway South Korea’s Hyundai Oilbank has bought its first Ormen Lange condensate cargo from Norway, to be delivered in June, a source with knowledge of the deal said Tuesday.
The South Korean refiner paid a premium of around $2.75/b to Platts Dated Brent on a CFR Daesan basis for a 700,000-barrel cargo, the source said.
Statoil was heard to be the seller of that cargo.
Ormen Lange condensate is produced from the Moere basin in the southern part of the Norwegian Sea. It loads from the onshore Nyhamna terminal.  
