

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社3月5日利雅得报道,沙特阿拉伯8个月来首次削减出口亚洲的阿拉伯轻质原油的价格,此举表明世界最大的石油出口国时下正在其最大的市场为销售而奋斗。 沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)周一在电邮声明中说,沙特阿美把4月份装运出口亚洲的阿拉伯轻质原油的官方售价每桶下调了55美分至每桶比中东基准多1.10美元。这是沙特阿美自去年8月份以来首次下调出口亚洲轻质原油价格。 沙特阿美在今年1月份曾把这个价格提高到了2014年以来的最高价格并保持了两个月。根据美国彭博新闻社的调查,沙特阿美曾预计把这个价格每桶下调45美分。 沙特阿美还削减了出口西北欧和地中海地区的原油价格以及下调了出口美国的轻质和超轻质原油价格。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Saudis Cut Asia Light Oil Pricing for First Time in Eight Months Saudi Arabia cut pricing for Arab Light crude to Asia for the first time in eight months, a sign that the world’s largest oil exporter is fighting harder for sales in its biggest market. State-owned Saudi Arabian Oil Co. lowered its official selling price for Arab Light crude for April shipment by 55 cents to $1.10 a barrel more than the Middle East benchmark, the company said Monday in an emailed statement. It’s the first cut since August. Aramco had raised its January pricing to the highest since 2014 and kept it there for the next two months. The producer, known as Saudi Aramco, was expected to lower pricing by 45 cents a barrel, according to a Bloomberg survey. Aramco also cut pricing to Northwest Europe and the Mediterranean region and lowered Light and Extra Light grades to the U.S.
