

中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinfo.com网站2月28日伦敦报道,根据英国石油公司(BP)的2018年年度能源展望报告,中东地区在2040年前仍将是一个大型净能源出口地区以及世界最大的石油出口地区,但是,中东地区届时将失去作为一个液化天然气(LNG)出口地区的份额。 阿联酋通讯社Wam援引BP年度能源展望报告报道说,在2040年前,中东地区仍将是全球最大的石油生产地区和第二大天然气生产地区,分别占到全球液体产量和天然气产量的34%和20%。 BP年度能源展望报告暗示,与今天的1%相比,非化石燃料到2040年将占到中东地区能源消耗的8%。天然气将占到增加的能源需求增长的大约60%,在2040年前将占到中东地区能源消耗的54%,而今天是52%。 BP年度能源展望报告指出,这种不断上升的繁荣将推动全球能源需求的增长,由于这种增长程度被能源效率加速增加所抵消,能源需求在今后的25年里将只增加大约三分之一。 李峻 编译自 TABNin.com 原文如下: Mideast to remain largest oil exporting region: BP study By 2040, the Middle East will remain a large net energy exporter and the world’s largest oil exporting region, but it will lose share as an LNG exporter, according to the 2018 BP Energy Outlook.
“The Middle East remains the largest oil producer and the second largest gas producer, accounting for over 34 per cent of global liquids production and 20 per cent of gas production by 2040,” the publication as quoted as saying by Emirates news agency Wam.
It suggested that “Non-fossil fuels account for 8 per cent of the Middle East’s energy consumption in 2040, compared with 1 per cent today. Natural gas represents almost 60 per cent of the incremental energy demand growth, and it accounts for 54 per cent of the region’s energy consumption by 2040, against 52 per cent today.”
”This rising prosperity drives an increase in global energy demand, although the extent of this growth is offset by accelerating gains in energy efficiency: energy demand increases by only around one third over the next 25 year,” the annual report noted.
