

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯2月21日消息,英国石油公司(BP)首席执行长达德利周二早上在伦敦举行的国际石油周开幕式上表示:“可再生能源成本正在大幅下降,消费需求正在上升,且各国政府正采取行动。”达德利补充道:“这意味着数百万人能享受到更买得起的能源。”但他提醒称,向低碳能源组合的过渡将不会在一夜之间完成。达德利称,整体而言,全球正走向有史以来燃料组合最为多元化的时代。BP在周二晚些时候发布的《年度能源前景》报告中估计,非化石燃料在全球能源组合中的比例将升至四分之一。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Renewables Growing Rapidly, Shifting Global Energy Mix: BP CEO “The cost of renewable energy is plummeting, consumer demand is rising and governments are taking action,” BP Chief Executive Bob Dudley says at the start of the International Petroleum Week in London Tuesday morning. “That means more affordable energy for millions of people,” Mr. Dudley adds. But he cautions that the transition to a lower carbon energy mix would not be an “overnight switchover.” Broadly, the world is on course to have the “most diversified fuel mix ever,” Mr. Dudley says, with non-fossil fuels estimated to grow to 1/4 of the world’s energy portfolio, according to a scenario BP is set to present later Tuesday as part of its annual Energy Outlook.
