

中国石化新闻网讯 据烃加工在线纽约2月16日消息,德勤全球公司发布的2018年化工行业并购前景报告称,受全球经济复苏、融资成本继续较低以及业内通过并购交易实现业务增长和转型的兴趣仍然较高的影响,2018年全球化工并购活动预计仍将保持强劲。 2017年全球化工行业并购交易额为464亿美元,低于2015年和2016年的交易额水平,主要是因为导致2015年和2016年并购交易额创纪录新高的特大型并购交易在2017年非常少见,但是2017年全球化工行业的并购交易数量仍然非常强劲,达到637起。德勤全球公司化工和特种材料业务并购交易负责人Dan Schweller 表示:“2018年全球化工并购交易数量可能会略有下降,但全球化工行业仍将迎来又一个并购交易强劲的年份。全球化工行业的并购交易活性仍然保持强劲,业内对于通过并购交易进一步增强股东的回报的兴趣仍然很强。”
张春晓摘译自 烃加工在线
原文如下: Deloitte Global 2018 chemical industry mergers and acquisitions outlook Global chemical mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in 2018 is expected to remain strong, as higher valuations continue to be mitigated by improving global economic conditions, continued inexpensive financing, and an appetite amongst industry participants for growth and transformative M&A transactions, according to Deloitte Global’s 2018 chemical industry mergers and acquisitions outlook. A multitude of mega-deals which resulted in record levels of deal value in 2015 and 2016 were not seen in 2017 (46.4 US$ billions). Deal volumes on the other hand were just as strong in 2017 with 637 transactions. “There may be a slight decline in deal volume in 2018 as the dispositions from the mega-deals have subsided, but 2018 is expected to be another robust M&A year in the chemical industry,” said Dan Schweller, Deloitte Global M&A leader for the Chemicals & Specialty Materials Sector. “Deal flow remains strong and there remains great interest in turning to M&A to further drive shareholder returns.”
