

中国石化新闻网讯 据《化学与工程新闻》1月2日消息,中国化工产品需求稳定,日本化学公司正在上调盈利预测,印度经济增速加快。总体而言,2018年亚洲化学工业前景仍然看好。
市场研究公司PCI伍德麦肯兹公司负责化工咨询业务的副总裁Steve Jenkins表示,中国、印度和印度尼西亚经济增速强劲的预测对于亚洲化工行业整体来说是一个积极的信号。
Jenkins指出,对于中国这个全球最大的化学品市场来说,消费者需求正在支撑化学品产量。例如,移动端网购的广泛使用刺激了曾经停滞的内陆省份对消费品的需求。 张春晓 摘译自 《化学与工程新闻》2018年1月2日刊 原文如下:
Asiaregion is looking at another banner year Demand for chemicals is steady in China, Japanese chemical companies are upgrading their profit forecasts, and economic growth is accelerating in India. In sum: The outlook for the Asian chemical industry in 2018 is good. Predictions of strong economic growth in China, India, and Indonesia translate to “a positive outlook for the Asian chemical industry as a whole,” says Steve Jenkins, vice president of chemicals consulting at market research firm PCI Wood Mackenzie. In Japan, the economy will not be that strong, but chemical companies will be able to grow their margins by focusing on technologically advanced materials, Jenkins says. The continued weakness of the yen will raise profits in yen terms, he adds. In China, the world’s largest market for chemicals, consumer demand is buoying chemical production, Jenkins notes. The widespread use of smartphones to order from online retailers, for instance, is stimulating demand for consumer goods in once-stagnant inland provinces.
