

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站12月13日休斯敦报道,欧佩克日前在其最新一期月度石油市场报告中上调了其今明两年对非欧佩克石油产量,尤其是来自美国非常规远景区石油产量的预测。 欧佩克在报告中把明年全球对欧佩克原油日需求量的预测削减了27万桶至3315万桶。 欧佩克在报告中预测非欧佩克今年石油供应将日增81万桶,比欧佩克先前预测日增15万桶。至于2018年,欧佩克预测非欧佩克石油供应将日增99万桶,比欧佩克先前预测日增12万桶。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: OPEC production fell in November from October The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries raised its production forecast for non-OPEC oil output, particularly from US unconventional plays for 2017-18.
OPEC cut its estimate of world demand for OPEC crude in 2018 by 270,000 b/d to 33.15 million b/d. In its Monthly Oil Market Report, OPEC forecast non-OPEC oil supply growth for 2017 at 810,000 b/d, which was up by 150,000 b/d from OPEC’s previous forecasts. For 2018, OPEC forecast non-OPEC growth at 990,000 b/d, revised higher by 120,000 b/d.
