

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯12月8日消息,美国能源部前高官表示,2030年至2035年期间,煤炭将在很大程度上退出美国发电行业。美国前总统奥巴马时期能源部长的能源顾问Melanie Kenderdine在本周举行的Privcap能源会议上对休斯敦的听众表示:“坦率地讲,比我想象的速度要快,天然气是目前可再生能源间歇性的完美补充。”当太阳不发光,风也不吹时,燃气电厂可以在需要时很容易的关停和开启。 张春晓摘译自 道琼斯
原文如下: Fossil Fuel Phase Out Faster Than Some Expected Coal will be largely driven out of the US power generation sector by between 2030 and 2035, according to a former US Energy Department executive. “It’s happening, frankly, faster than I thought it would,” Melanie Kenderdine, former energy counselor to the energy secretary under President Barack Obama told a Houston audience at the Privcap energy conference this week. “Gas is the perfect complement to the intermittency of renewables right now,” she said. When the sun isn’t shining and wind isn’t blowing, gas plants are easily turned off and on as needed.
