

中国石化新闻网讯 据KallanishEnergy网站12月7日消息,巴西国家石油公司Petrobras一名官员本周表示,该公司2017年管道输气量同比约增长23%。
路透社此前报道,巴国油天然气公司负责人罗德里戈·科斯塔在里约热内卢的一次活动中称,他本人预计今年天然气运输量将达到5400万立方米/天,而去年全年则为4400万立方米/天。 巴西海上盐下地层生产或已对供应量增长起到了推动作用。
科斯塔表示,尽管燃气供应量有所增加,但巴西为满足国内需求而进口天然气的举措将至少持续到2026年。 詹乐乾 摘译自KallanishEnergy 原文如下:
Natural gas flowing in Petrobras lines up 23% in 2017 The volume of natural gas in the pipeline network of Brazilian state oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) grew roughly 23% in 2017, compared with 2016, a company executive said this week.
Speaking at an event in Rio de Janeiro, Rodrigo Costa, head of Natural Gas at Petrobras, said he expects the gas volume shipped to close the year at an average of 54 million cubic meters per day (MMcm/d), up from 44 MMcm/d last year, Reuters reported.
Production in Brazil’s offshore pre-salt layer may have helped drive the increase in supply.
Despite increasing supply, Brazil will likely be importing gas to meet domestic demand until at least 2026, he said.​
