

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社10月16日东京报道,日本《日经产业新闻日报》周一(16日)刊文报道说,日本政府将提供100亿美元来支持日本企业在亚洲各地投标建造液化天然气(LNG)基础设施。 没有援引消息来源的《日经产业新闻日报》说,这100亿美元的资金将允许日本企业在来自日本国际合作银行(JBIC)的贷款和投资以及来自日本出口和投资保险公司(NEXI)的保险支持下在亚洲积极竞标建造LNG接收终端和电厂等设施。 《日经产业新闻日报》说,日本政府贸易大臣世耕弘成将在本周三(18日)在东京举行的年度LNG生产国-消费国会议上宣布这个计划。《日经产业新闻报》补充说,这个计划是日本为美国LNG在亚洲建立市场努力的一部分。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Japan to offer $10 B to back Asia LNG infrastructure push The Japanese government will offer $10 B to support firms bidding to build LNG infrastructure around Asia, the Nikkei business daily said on Monday. It will allow Japanese firms to bid aggressively for work to build facilities such as LNG receiving terminals and power plants, backed by loans and investments from Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and insurance from Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI), it said, without citing sources. Japan’s Trade Minister Hiroshige Seko will announce the initiative in Tokyo on Wednesday at the annual LNG Producer-Consumer Conference, the newspaper said, adding that it was part of an effort to build markets in Asia for U.S. LNG.  
