

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯10月12日消息,国际能源署(IEA)周四表示,伊朗正在推进该国油气领域的开发,即便美国是否将继续支持2015年达成的抑制伊朗核武器发展的国际制裁协议的观点仍不清晰。IEA在月度石油市场报告中称:“核制裁协议的放宽已经令伊朗的石油产量从2016年初的约300万桶/天的水平增加至当前的逾380万桶/天,而出口量也已经翻番。”美国总统特朗普已经表示,他或许不会认同伊朗已经遵守了核协议,并将向国会提交这个决定,仅仅是因为伊朗正试图吸引外资进入该国石油行业。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Iran Pushes Ahead With Oil & Gas Projects, IEA Says Iran is pressing ahead with developing its oil and gas sector, even as uncertainty mounts over whether the U.S. will continue to uphold the 2015 international deal to curb the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program, the International Energy Agency said Thursday. “The easing of sanctions allowed by the deal has seen Iran boost production by above 3.8 million barrels a day from about 3 million barrels a day at the start of 2016 and more than double exports,” the agency said in its monthly oil market report. U.S. President Donald Trump has indicated he may not certify Iran’s compliance with the deal, punting the decision to Congress, just as Iran is trying to attract foreign investment to its oil industry.  
