

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯9月25日消息,BMI 研究公司表示,今年美国柴油和家用取暖油等馏份油的供应稳步下降,显示了石油市场正在吃紧的迹象。该公司指出,通常情况下炼油商们在夏季期间储备馏份油供应为冬季旺盛的需求做准备。虽然今年初美国馏份油库存远高于平均水平,但本周已降至五年平均水平以下,主要是受飓风哈维造成炼厂产能关停的影响。因此,BMI表示,即便许多炼油商已经表示他们将利用高企的炼制利润推迟检修计划,但是未来3-6个月美国馏份油库存将进一步下降。
唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯
US Distillates Supplies Set to Keep Falling
Steady declines this year in US distillates supplies–such as diesel and home-heating oil–“offers an indicator that the oil market is tightening,” says BMI Research. The firm notes that “typically refiners build distillate fuel supplies over the summer months in preparation for stronger winter demand.” While inventories started the year well above average levels, they’ve fallen below the 5-year average this week, “exacerbated by refining outages caused by Hurricane Harvey.” As such, BMI says further inventory declines are in the offing the next 3-6 months even as “a number of refiners have said they will delay maintenance plans to take advantage of the high margins.”
