

中国石化新闻网讯 据TABNinf网站9月10日巴黎报道,法国道达尔公司首席执行官帕特里克·波漾日前在接受希腊报纸记者采访时说,道达尔公司预计其在希腊西部海上勘探石油的计划将在今年年底前获得希腊议会的批准。 希腊日前与一个由道达尔公司、意大利爱迪生公司和希腊石油公司组成的国际财团签署了一项在爱奥尼亚海寻找石油和天然气的租赁协议。 石油和天然气勘探公司在他们开始勘探钻井前通常需要进行地震测量作业来确定可能的石油和天然气储量的位置和规模。 受到在埃及和以色列海上获得重大天然气发现鼓舞的道达尔公司对地中海区块表现出极大的兴趣,该公司目前正在塞浦路斯海上钻探石油。 李峻 编译自 TABNinfo.com 原文如下: Total Expects Approvals for Offshore Greece Exploration Total expects approval from the Greek parliament by the end of the year to explore for oil off the western coast of Greece, the French company’s chief executive told a Greek newspaper.
Greece and a consortium made up of Total, Italy’s Edison and Hellenic Petroleum have signed a lease agreement to search for oil and gas in the Ionian Sea. “We expect ratification of the agreement by Greece’s parliament by the end of the year to start work,” Chief Executive Officer Patrick Pouyanne told Ta New newspaper. Oil and gas explorers usually need seismic surveys to determine the location and size of possible oil and gas reserves before they start exploratory drilling. Encouraged by major gas discoveries off Egypt and Israel, Total has shown great interest in Mediterranean blocks and is currently drilling for oil off Cyprus.
