

中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻新加坡9月8日消息,安迅思周四晚收到的一份锦湖三井化学公司(KMCI)给客户的一封信称,受原材料一氧化碳供应短缺的影响,KMCI位于韩国丽水的MDI装置当前的产能利用率水平正处于最小化状态运营。 虽然这封致客户的信中并没有具体说明产能利用最小化程度,但是支持了先前的信息,此前该公司表示,由于一氧化碳供应短缺,这套MDI装置自8月上半月以来的产能利用率水平仅为60%-70%。 KMCI在这封9月4日写的致客户信中表示:“我们预计这种最小化运营的状态将持续到2018年3月。” KMIC在信中表示,一氧化碳供应短缺与8月10日GS-Caltex公司重油炼油装置发生火灾相关。 唐绍红 摘译自 安迅思新闻 原文如下: S Korea’s Kumho Mitsui crimping MDI run rate on CO feestock shortage Kumho Mitsui Chemicals Inc (KMCI) said its current methyl di-p-phenylene isocyanate (MDI) plant in Yeosu, South Korea will be running at a “minimum rate” of capacity due to a shortage of raw material carbon monoxide (CO), the company said in a letter to customers recieved by ICIS late on Thursday. It did not elaborate on what “minimum rate” was but the notification backed up earlier information which said the MDI unit has been running at a reduced rate of 60-70% since the first half of August due to the CO shortage. “The current situation will be continued until March 2018, with our expectation,” KMCI said in the letter which was dated 4 September. In the letter, KMCI said the shortage of CO was linked to a recent fire at GS Caltex’s heavy oils refining unit, which occurred on 10 August.  
