

中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻(ICIS News)休斯敦9月5日消息,安迅思周二公布的赢利报告显示,截止9月1日当周,亚洲乙烯利润出现分化,其中石脑油为原料的乙烯生产利润增长,而以液化石油气(LPG)为原料的乙烯生产利润出现下降。 上周东北亚和东南亚市场石脑油基乙烯生产利润环比增长3.2%。上周东北亚市场LPG基乙烯生产利润环比下跌7.4%,而东南亚市场的生产利润环比下挫10%。 乙烯生产的原料成本是导致上周亚洲乙烯生产利润分化的主要因素,上周东北亚和东南亚市场石脑油成本下跌4美元-5美元/吨。而LPG成本大幅上涨64美元/吨。 张春晓 摘译自 安迅思新闻 原文如下: Naphtha-based ethylene margins up in Asia, LPG-based margins down 05 September 2017 20:00 Source:ICIS News HOUSTON (ICIS)–Asian ethylene margins were split during the week ended 1 September, with naphtha-based product up and (liquefied petroleum bas) LPG-based product down, the ICIS margin report showed on Tuesday. Naphtha-based ethylene margins rose by 3.2% week on week in northeast (NE) Asia and in southeast (SE) Asia.LPG-based ethylene margins fell by 7.4% in NE Asia and by 10% in SE Asia week on week. Feedstock costs on an ethylene production basis were the major divider, with naphtha costs falling by $4-5/tonne in NE Asia and SE Asia.On the same basis, LPG costs rose by $64/tonne in both regions.
