

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯9月5日消息,据Tudor Pickering称,页岩油生产商Carrizo 油气公司已于上周恢复运营。该公司上月在四级飓风哈维接近得州南部时关闭了位于伊格尔福特页岩区的钻井平台。哈维飓风是考验页岩油运营商的首次飓风。根据Tudor Pickering,哈维对页岩油产量的影响尚未可知,Carrizo和该地区其他页岩油生产商将继续评估和管理从油井向市场运输石油和天然气的物流挑战。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Shale Producer Carrizo Resumes Operations Post-Harvey Carrizo Oil and Gas (CRZO), which shut its Eagle Ford drilling operations last month as Harvey approached South Texas as a Category 4 hurricane, was able to resume operations last week, according to Tudor Pickering. The storm was the first major hurricane to test the shale operators. The impact on production has yet to be determined as the company–and others in the region–continue to assess and manage the logistical challenge of transporting oil and natural gas from wells to market, according to Tudor Pickering.  
