

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社9月4日罗马报道,俄罗斯政府副总理阿尔卡季·德沃尔科维奇日前在意大利切尔诺比奥接受美国彭博新闻社电视台记者采访时说,俄罗斯很有可能支持进一步延长欧佩克削减石油产量协议,他认为欧佩克减产协议已帮助稳定市场。 虽然德沃尔科维奇在采访中补充说,现在作出一个明确的决定还为时尚早,但他认为最有可能的结果是减产协议将被延长。 作为扭转原油价格下跌努力的一部分,欧佩克成员国在今年5月份同意把限产维持到2018年3月。 欧佩克成员国是在去年11月份达成最初减产协议并从今年1月1日起正式削减石油产量。 李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社 原文如下: Russia likely to back extension of OPEC deal as prices stabilize Russia is likely to back a further extension of the OPEC agreement cutting oil output, judging that it has helped to stabilize the market, the country’s deputy prime minister said. “The most likely outcome is that the deal will be extended,” Arkady Dvorkovich said in an interview with Bloomberg TV in Cernobbio, Italy, though he added that it’s still too early to make a definitive decision. “We are still six months away, so we will see,” he said. Members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed in May to maintain curbs on production until March 2018 as part of efforts to reverse a drop in crude prices. The cuts came into effect in January after an initial deal in November 2016.  
