

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月30日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯能源巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(俄气)的一名官员周三(30日)在莫斯科举行的一次电话会议上表示,不管美国新制裁措施如何解读,俄气将继续实施和完成这个投资110亿美元的为俄罗斯增加第二条跨波罗的海天然气出口管道的北溪-2项目。 俄气官员还在与投资者的电话会议上说,美国新近实施的制裁并没有禁止俄气从国外借款。 美国对俄罗斯公司和个人实施了几轮制裁,以应对俄罗斯参与乌克兰危机并涉嫌干涉美国2016年总统选举。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Gazprom Says Sanctions Won’t Stop Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Project The $11 billion Nord Stream 2 project to add a second Russian trans-Baltic gas export pipeline will be implemented regardless of how new U.S. sanctions are interpreted, an official at Gazprom told a conference call on Wednesday. Gazprom’s officials also said during a call with investors that the newly imposed sanctions by the United States did not bar the company from borrowing abroad. The United States has introduced several rounds of sanctions against Russian companies and individuals for Moscow’s involvement in the Ukraine crisis and for alleged interference in the U.S. presidential elections in 2016.
