
花旗称美石油价格若上涨 页岩油将击败欧佩克

中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社8月16日纽约报道,花旗集团(Citigroup Inc .)的研究负责人表示,随着美国页岩油与欧佩克在供应过剩的全球市场中竞争,美国的页岩油将对欧佩克取得压倒性胜利。 花旗集团的艾德·莫尔斯(Ed Morse)周二在接受彭博社的电视采访时表示,欧佩克及其盟友可能通过削减产量提振了油价,但他们在这一过程中失去了收入,而且他们的立场“在很长一段时间内都是不可持续的。”他说,“在另一方面,美国页岩油钻探公司已经适应了低至40美元的生存价格。” 因为欧佩克、俄罗斯和其他合作伙伴的减产措施未能解决全球供应过剩,今年伦敦的石油价格已经下跌了12%,接近每桶50美元。 美国页岩油钻探公司已提高了钻探量,并有望在下个月创下创纪录的产量,以填补欧佩克减产留下的部分缺口。 根据莫尔斯的说法,原油价格在期货曲线上稳定在每桶50美元上下,表明了美国石油生产商积极利用期货合约锁定或“对冲”他们今年和明年的产量。 蔡小全 编译自 世界石油网站 原文如下: Shale will beat OPEC as U.S. oil thrives at $40, Citigroup says U.S. shale oil will prevail over OPEC as the two rivals compete in an oversupplied world market, Citigroup Inc.’s head of research said. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies may have boosted oil prices by cutting production, but they’re losing revenue in the process and their position “is not sustainable over a long period,” Citigroup’s Ed Morse said in a Bloomberg television interview on Tuesday. On the other hand, U.S. shale drillers have adapted to survive prices as low as $40, he said. Oil prices have lost 12% in London this year, trading near $50/bbl, as output curbs by OPEC, Russia and other partners fail to drain a global surplus. U.S. shale explorers have boosted drilling and are poised to reach a record output next month, plugging some of the gap left by OPEC’s cutbacks. The steadiness of crude prices on the forward curve at about $50/bbl suggests that U.S. oil producers are active in using futures contracts to lock in — or “hedge” — their output for this year and next, according to Morse.  
