

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯8月14日达卡报道,孟加拉国国家天然气运输公司总经理Md Atiquzzaman周一在达卡说,孟加拉国已经完成了建造首条把再气化液化天然气(LNG)输送给终端用户的管道。此外,孟加拉国还计划铺设3条新输气管道。 他说,从Moheshkhali到Anowara的全长91公里(56英里)直径为30英寸的天然气管道已经建成并进行了必要的测试。这条管道具有日输送8亿立方英尺天然气的能力。 他说,孟加拉国国家天然气运输公司目前正在铺设一条与新建成管道平行的全长79公里直径为42英寸的管道,这条预计将正在2018年竣工的管道将从Moheshkhali向Anowara输送更多的进口LNG。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Bangladesh completes first pipeline for regasified LNG, plans 3 more Bangladesh has completed construction of its first dedicated pipeline to move regasified LNG to end-users and has three more in the works, state-run Gas Transmission Company Ltd managing director Md Atiquzzaman said Monday.
The 91 km (56 mile) 30-inch natural gas pipeline from Moheshkhali to Anowara, with a capacity of up to 800,000 Mcf/d, has been completed and undergone the necessary testing, he said.
A parallel 79 km 42-inch pipeline is currently under construction to carry additional volumes of imported regasified LNG from Moheshkhali to Anowara, which is due for completion in 2018, he said.  
