

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站8月14日休斯敦报道,总部设在加拿大卡尔加里的哈斯基能源公司日前与总部设在美国印第安纳波利斯的卡柳梅特特色产品公司麾下的子公司卡柳梅特润滑油公司签署了一项收购子公司卡柳梅特苏必利尔公司的协议。 卡柳梅特苏必利尔公司在威斯康星州的苏必利尔拥有和经营4.75万桶/天的炼油厂。 两家公司在8月14日各自发表的新闻稿中表示,作为8月11日达成的最终协议的一部分,哈斯基能源公司将支付4.35亿美元现金外加一笔额外支付,涉及净营运资金、库存和部分资本支出的偿还。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: Calumet inks deal for sale of Wisconsin refinery, downstream assets Husky Energy Inc., Calgary, has entered a deal with Calumet Lubricants Co. LP, a unit of Calumet Specialty Products Partners LP, Indianapolis, to buy subsidiary Calumet Superior LLC, which owns and operates 47,500-b/d refinery in Superior, Wis., refinery as well as other downstream assets in the region. As part of the Aug. 11 definitive agreement, Husky will pay $435 million in cash plus an additional payment for net working capital, inventories, and reimbursement of certain capital spending, the companies said in separate releases on Aug. 14.  
